In keeping with the design lines that inspired its foundation, CEM has started from the very beginning to work by activating two main structures: the first one is represented by the Division of Research and Development in the field of Physics and the second identifies with the Division of Meteorology. These two units, which employ solely Physicists, have been engaged in an active interchange of professional experiences in order to ensure that every research project has specific goals in support of the meteorologists, so as to provide a significant boost both to the quality and the usability of forecasts.
Over the past ten years CEM has developed various research projects, mainly related to meteorological and climate analyses, comparison between models, long-term simulations, emergency response to extreme events, management of water as a function of the observed and predicted conditions from the meteorological-hydrological point of view. These projects have been developed in partnership with the most prestigious Italian research institutes such as the CNR (the Italian National Research Council), the University of Milan and Milan Politecnico. Some of these projects have received economic contribution from regional, national and European funds, and have been subjects of articles and communications in international conferences and meetings.
In the international context we would like to highlight the CEM activities within the CEOP (Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observation Project), as a focal point for WCRP/GEWEX (World Climate Research Program – WMO and the Global Energy and Water Exchanges Project) program, where CEM participates in conjunction with numerous European and worldwide institutions, collaborating with BoM (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia), CPTEC (Previsão Centro de Estudos de Tempo and Climáticos, Brazil), ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, European Organization based in Reading, UK), ECPC (Experimental Climate Prediction Center, the University of California, San Diego, USA), JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency), MSC (Meteorological Service Canada), NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, USA) and others.